Just wanted to share my most recent residency from Imagine It: An Art Book of Your Own.
I had the pleasure of working with some extremely talented fifth graders at Beverly Farms Elementary in Potomac Maryland. Each student created an illustrated zine about how select historical figures impacted important events during the Revolutionary War. This was a fun project.
I had the pleasure of working with some extremely talented fifth graders at Beverly Farms Elementary in Potomac Maryland. Each student created an illustrated zine about how select historical figures impacted important events during the Revolutionary War. This was a fun project.
The students researched images and information on their classroom chrome books. I taught them how to break down their reference images into shapes to make them easier to recreate. Then I taught them the rules of drawing the face and the body of a character. We talked about creating depth in drawing, camera views, and story sequence. I shared "Invictus", a beautiful comic tribute to Nelson Mandela from Zen Pencils, one of my favorite websites by Gavin Aung Than. This was all the inspiration the students needed to tell their stories.
Page by page the students work started to blossom and I could not be happier with the results. This was a great experience and I left this school with the best set of zines I have created with students thus far! I made 3 copies of each students zine so they would have some to pass out to friends and family and I made a few....okay more than a few copies for myself that I hope to share with the public.
Please enjoy the photos from the residency! The Zine Revolution is coming to a school near you!!!!
As you can see these students are so talented and creative. We had lots of fun together. I really love my job! This project was Zinetastic!!!!
Shout out to the fifth grade teachers, Ms. Bardwell, Foley, Cashmere, and Balzar. Thank you for hosting me in your classrooms. These little handmade booklets turned out great. I enjoyed my time at Beverly Farms. These student's drawing skills blew me away. I can't wait to pass these out on tours at Young Audiences so people can see the work of these up and coming young author/illustrators!
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