Sitting here in the middle of the biggest hurricane on record in a long time, a little bored, but praying that the power doesn't go out. One of my student sends me a picture of a bowl of fruit that he's painting and asks for feedback. I give him some pointers and the next thing I know he's sends me a better version. I thought, "Wow, he's using his time wisely amidst the chaos of the perfect storm." Then I scroll down and see the status of another student who has sketched a cute little monkey sitting, waiting for the storm to pass. I couldn't help but to be inspired by my star students, spending their down time drawing, painting, and doodling while I'm watching news people put their lives in harms way, about to be blown away by hurricane winds just to prove that we should stay in.
Needless to say, I was inspired and decided to pick up my sketchbook. Then I thought, but wait, I still have electricity. I want to use it while I have it so I put my sketchbook down and went to my sketch n draw app on my phone and got busy with my finger instead of a pen. Who knew a finger doodle could turn out so nice! I'm getting better at using the sketch n draw app, it's relaxing, and a lot of fun. I should use it more often. Many thanks to my students and this storm for the inspiration and whoever created this fun app! Despite the rain, the wind gusts, and the threat of losing power, I'm still managing to find creative ways to occupy my time.
Hurricane Sandy Doodle by D.L. Tucker
So here's my little finger doodle inspired by the storm. Thankfully, the electricity is still on so that I can blog about it. Stay safe folks! And stay creative!
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