Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Days 51-53: The Mother Load

And of course after that first one, I was bitten.  Bad, like a mosquito bite!  On to the next one, but wait . . . "Mommy, Mommy, Mom, Mom, Muhhhh..... oh please, let me be something more than Mommy!

This explains my second born, The Mother Load!  I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders all over again.  And I'm not just carrying mine, I feel this huge responsibility to carry every child on my back like that dude, you know the one holding the world up.   I think his name is Atlas, lol!

But you know, sometimes, that weight is like a crown.  Painful thorns, but a crown none the least.  Ain't no need in taking it off, I'll wear it proudly, because He did.

I'll pray, I'll meditate, I'll prostrate . . . all while the baby lives his life on the edge, clueless to the danger surrounding him, innocent and free from carrying the burden of knowing the truth.  (Another big ass sigh).  A mother's love....

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